"Dari hamba Allah,
Penakluk Konstantinopel,
Sultan Mehmed II Al-Fatih Ibn 'Sultan Murad,
Khalifah Empayar Uthmaniyyah,
Amirul Mu'minin (Pemimpin Dunia Islam)
Yang dianugerahkan Allah kekuatan,
Oleh orang yang telah mengajar Islam kepada kita ,setelah wafatnya junjungan mulia Muhammad SAW.
Dengan berkah Allah Yang Maha Kuasa. Semoga Allah memberikan Empayar Khalifah sebagai keamanan dan kekuatan yang kekal untuk melindungi Empayar Umat Islam.
Hamba Allah, Sultan Al-Malayuwiyah (Melayu),
Ketua Panglima bangsa Tak terkalah Bani Jawi (Jawi adalah julukan Arab untuk orang Melayu),
Gabenor beragama Islam di Jauh Timur,
Pemimpin masyarakat Al-Malayuwiyah yang telah disayangi dan dipuja oleh Nabi Muhammad SAW,
Kerajaan Kesultanan Melayu Melaka Sultan Mansur Syah 'Al-Adil' (Hakim Yang Bijaksana), semoga Allah memberkati kamu selalu.
Pada hari ini tahun 1453M, Empayar Uthmaniyyah telah mencapai kemenangan terbesar sepanjang masa, ketika Dunia Islam telah merampas bandar Constantinople (Istanbul Hari ini), sebagaimana yang dinubuwahkan oleh Nabi Muhammad SAW yang dikasihi kita ratusan tahun yang lalu.
Oleh itu, saya dengan rendah hati berharap bahawa anda akan menyertai kami dalam Perayaan untuk kemenangan hebat ini dan dengan harapan bahawa Kesultanan Melayu Melaka akan sentiasa menyokong Empayar Uthmaniyyah sebagai Wakil Allah di dunia ini, untuk melawan ketidakadilan dan kemungkaran kaum kafir dengan nama Allah Yang Maha Kuasa.
Saya juga dengan rendah hati berharap bahawa anda akan membawa bersama Laksamana terbaik anda yang namanya terkenal telah diterjemahkan secara meluas di setiap pelosok Asia.
(Pemuda "X" yang berusia 22 tahun - Laksamana Muda Hang Tuah)
Saya ingin bertemu dengannya, seperti yang saya suka dan mengagumi dia, dan kerana Allah, saya akan menjadi orang paling beruntung di dunia jika saya berpeluang bertemu dengan 'Laksamana Hang Tuah Ibn Hang Mahmud' dari Melaka dengan mata kepala sendiri.
Semoga Allah memberikan damai dan keharmonian kepada Melaka.
Yang Benar,
Sultan Mehmed II Al-Fatih
(Tulisan Tugra dengan Tandatangannya)
Sultan Empayar Uthmaniyyah "
Terjemahan Surat (Tulisan Turki) #SultanMuhammadAlFateh kepada Sultan Melaka & Panglima Perang Melayu ketika itu #HangTuah.
Tulisan tangan personel dari Sultan Al Fateh kepada Kerajaan Islam Melaka.

Penghargaan dan ucapan tahniah dari Kesultanan Islam Melaka kepada Khilafah Islam Kerajaan Al Fateh dan tenteranya menawan Konstatinopel .
Di sana beliau dipeluk oleh Sultan Muhammad Al Fateh,beliau menangis sambil membisikkan sesuatu...(Dirahsiakan hingga kini).Ketika itu ,Hang Tuah berumur 23 tahun, manakala Sultan Muhammad Al Fateh berusia 22 tahun.Darah muda yang benar-benar mengagumkan umat Islam dunia dan Nusantara hingga kini.
Hari ini pembuktian sejarah,ianya disimpan rapi (Muzium Topkapi,istanbul) sebagai hadiah paling Istimewa yang di wasiatkan khas kepada anak kandung Sultan Muhammad Al fateh (Beyazid).
Surat-surat balasan yang ditulis oleh Sultan Mansur Syah dari Melaka kepada Sultan Mehmed II Al-Fatih, tahun 1454 AD, masih disimpan di Arkib dan Perpustakaan Diraja London.
"Letters writen by Sultan Mansur Syah of Malacca to Sultan Mehmed II Al-Fatih, circa 1454 AD, kept in the Royal London Archive and Library"
Hang Tuah:
This was around the years of 1453M, when Sultan Mehmed II The Conqueror had achieved a decisive victory in the Siege of Constantinople.
Months later, the news had arrived at the Palace of the Malay Malacca Sultanate with a letter personally from Sultan Mehmed II 'The Conqueror' himself to Sultan Mansur Syah 'Zilullah Fil'Alami' (The Shadow of Allah on this Earth). The letter goes like this...
"From the servant of Allah, the Conqueror of Constantinople Sultan Mehmed II Al-Fatih Ibn' Sultan Murad, the Caliph of the Islamic Ottoman Empire, Amirul Mu'minin (Leader of the Muslim World) bestowed by he who had preached Islam to us, Prophet Rasulullah SAW Peace Be upon Him, with the blessings of Allah The Almighty. May Allah grant the Caliphate Empire an everlasting peace and strength to protect the Muslim Empires.
Fellow servant of Allah,The Sultan of the Al-Malayuwiyah (Malays), Commander of the #UNDEFEATED #BaniJawi admirals (Jawi is an Arabic nickname for the Malays, I'll explain later), the brave Governor of the Muslims in the Far East, The leader of the Al-Malayuwiyah people whom Prophet Muhammad had loved and revered so much, the Malay Malacca Sultanate Empire Sultan Mansur Syah 'Al-Adil' (The Just), may Allah bless you always.
In this very day of the year 1453M, the Ottoman Empire had achieved the greatest victory of all time as the Muslim World had seized the city of Constantinople, as being foreseen by our beloved Prophet Muhammad SAW himself hundred years ago. Therefore, I humbly wish that you will join us in the celebration to this great victory and with a hope that the Malay Malacca Sultanate Empire will always support the Ottoman Empire as Allah's Representative on this world, to fight against the injustice and unfairness of the infidels, in the name of Allah the Almighty.
I also humbly wish that you will bring your finest Admiral whom his famous name has been widely spoken in every corners of Asia. I wish to meet him eye to eye, as I adore and admire him, and by Allah, I will be the most luckiest man in the world if I have the opportunity to meet 'Laksamana Hang Tuah Ibn Hang Mahmud' of Malacca by myself.
May Allah grant Malacca eternal peace and harmony.
Sultan Mehmed II Al-Fatih (insert his Tugra aka Signature)
The Sultan of the Ottoman Empire"
1 - Ottoman and Malacca were best friends. It was said that Malacca was the backbone of the Ottoman Empire's Golden Age and the European nations decided to break the Ottoman's strength by destroying Malacca when they knew about this.
2 - Due to Sultan Mehmed II's victory in Constantinople, the whole Mosque and Palace of the Malacca Empire's region had conducted a special Thanks giving Prayers (Solat Sunat Syukur) to God and their prayers had included chants which revered Prophet Muhammad and the Ottoman Empire as the new Protector of the Muslims.
3 - Sultan Mansur Syah wasn't able to came to Istanbul at that time, but instead he sent Admiral Hang Tuah of Malacca as his diplomat to Istanbul. Sultan Mehmed II was so happy that he ended up crying when he hugged Hang Tuah. He referred Hang Tuah as one of the Malay Archipelago's most precious Waliyullah (Islamic Saints). That's why when people say Hang Tuah doesn't exist, I feel like I want to slap him with the book of the Ottoman Historian journals.

4 - The Malacca Sultanate Empire was bestowed with the title of 'The Protector Of The Muslims in the Far East', and by following Prophet Muhammad's tradition, Sultan Mehmed II had bestowed the Malay Sultans with the title of 'Zilullah Fil'Alami' (Shadow of Allah on this world)
Dikatakan Sultan Alaudin berkahwin dgn anak Sultan Muhamad Al Fateh. Wallahu'alam.
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